audible is no longer blind friendly
I wrote this email to audible back on 12/17 2005. It is now 1/21 2006 and still no reply.
I have directed my emails to the following address and would encourage any blind people to do the same, maybe if enough of us say something they will respond.
I have been trying to contact you guys for some time about this problem as you will see in the pasted email shortly to follow!
You used to have a skip navigation link or a jump to page content link at the top of each page.
It is gone and makes your website very hard for blind people to navigate!
We need it back!!!
Not only am I am blind person that deserves equal access, but, I am one hell of a customer! I buy many titles from you guys and would appreciate it if you
would take this matter seriously!
I have a website for the blind called:
I would hate for me to have to report that your site is no longer the great resource it once was!
Sited people can't even see the afor mentioned links, but, our screen readers can.
I expect a response to my email this time.
Joey Stuckey
please sign the Google word verification petition
For a while now
Google, which has a whole lot of services, uses a system called captcha, which requires someone to type the letters you see in a graphic to proove
you're a human being. Many people in the blind community have asked them to give us an
alternative method for signing up. Some other services like
Microsoft's, msn, Yahoo! and other sites like Live Journal provide audio representations
of the characters you type, and many people think Google should provide the same kind of alternative method for accessing their services, but
to date, they haven't.
Simply go to the site, fill in your name, e-mail address and any comments you'd like to send to google. and sign your name to the petition. The more people we have sign this
petition, the better it will look to google. Right now we have 32 signatures, but of course, for Google to take this matter even remotely seriously, we need to have as many as we possibly can. It only takes a second, and hey, anything we can do to get rid of the captcha method of verification is ok with me!