Blind Resources info
Monday, May 15, 2006
  talking cell phone for Verizon
For subscribers, there is the LG4500 which talks. You need to have the phone in "Driver Mode" and you can tell it to "Call someone" "Digit Dial" or "contact" which will ask you to "read, erase, or create a contact". It also will tell you the current time and date, as well as phone status (battery power, strength of service, and E911 support). is a website administered by Joey Stuckey of Macon, Georgia U.S.A. The purpose of this site is to provide blind computer users with important information, product reviews, resources and real-world results with regard to software usage for the blind as well as script implementation and usage for Jaws For Windows plus any other information pertinent to the blind computer user. Visit our website for more info.

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